Friday, May 27, 2011

Everything bad

In my line of work, I see the world's worst.  The world's worst wife beaters, sickos, child molestors, alcoholics, schizophrenics, drug dealers, you name, the world's worst.  They are coming to the facility where I work for help, sometimes against their will. 
I believe we are able to help many people in their struggles, but a vast majority will never be enabled to change their circumstances to make true life changes.  Maybe those folks are truly incapable of change because of chemical dependency and/or social circumstances or other issues. 
The problem I have with it all, is not the fact that many people will never change, it's that I generalize all the people in my life with this standard of sickness.  Frankly, I think everyone is capable or secretly has a problem like those I encounter at work.  When I say everyone, I mean everyone.  I find it very, very difficult to trust others outside of my husband.  I question all of my friends' healthiness, along with my family's stableness.  I find them all lacking.  It's really scary because it makes me feel so alone as a parent.  Who can I trust my babies with if not my friends and family? 
Maybe it's because a lot of people close to me personally have struggled with many of these issues and they've felt comfortable enough to share it with me because of my job skills.  I struggle daily with thinking everything bad has happened to people I know and they will in turn hurt me or my children, especially my children.  
That doesn't sound very healthy to me. 
[Who's got the issue here?]

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